March 31, 2009

Uric Acid causes

. March 31, 2009

Acid muscle occurs when uric acid level in the kidney in the body is too excessive. The kidneys filter uric acid properly, and remove it from the outside to the body, fail to work normally. Degree of high uric acid in the blood will cause the crystal solid gather in various joint. This causes pain on the sufferer. If this is left as such, the crystals uric acid will also cause damage to the kidney stone.
Some types of foods and beverages that are known to increase the degree purin are :Alcohol, Hearing fish, all about sardine, Eggs Offal, all the animals in the stomach: intestinal, liver, heart, tripe, and spleen.
Note: consume offal akan cause excessive enzyme hipoksantin aggravate work in process purin.
A. Facts about acid fiber
Not all complaints joint pain and swelling that follow it means that someone experiencing pain acid strand. To verify whether the correct acid muscle pain, should diperiksakan to the doctor. More often suffered by men, while women are rarely found except in the case after the menopause. Women rarely suffer disease acid strand as a function of hormone estrogen helps acid disposal via urine. Drug ads that offer healing to the sick acid strand disrupt the general view of the truth of the disease. Crystal-acid crystals (uric acid) produced by the purin metabolism, a component of acid nukleat ang found in the core of the body cells. Seara natural, purin already produced by the body as much as 85%. So only 15% of purin Feed comes from food. Food derived from animals produced more than purin foods from plants. This lead to people who like to eat meat more susceptible to disease with acid strand. Maori tribe has a prevalence of the disease acid strand, at most in the world. While in Indonesia, the disease affects nerves acid by the community living in the coastal beaches.
B. Uric Acid disease classification
Primary gout disease The cause of this disease is not known exactly. Be a combination of genetic and hormonal factors that lead to excessive production of uric acid metabolism so that disrupt the body.
Secondary gout disease This is caused by the way mengonsumsi food that is not appropriate. People suffering from the disease tend to be lax secondary gout in selecting food, more like eat the meat dishes that the increase in acid content in muscle in the body.
C. The cause of the disease acid fiber Hemophilia (bone marrow disease, polisitemia) The use of drugs and alcohol Obesity / overweight People with diabetes mellitus also have the potential grain disease acid
D. Kadar Uric Acid in Blood Recording uric acid level in the blood from one laboratory to another laboratory in the world. Depending on the condition of the patient's body while doing a blood test. Results usually can be obtained between 1 to 2 days.
1. For men: 3.4 - 7.0 desi milligram per Liter (mg / dl) Or 200 - 420 mikromol per Liter (mcmol / L)
2. For women: 2.4 - 6.0 mg / dl Or 140 - 360 mcmol / L
3. For children: 2.5 - 5.5 mg / dl Or 120 - 330 mcmol / L


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